3 Strategies to Transform Your Relationship with your In-Laws WITHOUT Losing Your Emotional Wellbeing.

11AM ET / 8AM PT, Saturday, December 22nd


 âś“ A Strategy to Stop Letting Challenging Relationships Take Over Your Entire Life. (And, instead have you control them)

âś“ How to Stop Your Mind from Running Wild with Interpretations Which Hurt You.

âś“ Learn How to Build Your Relationship One Interaction at a Time.


"Loved the course! The workshops and practice in groups was extremely helpful. I would recommend this to all newly engaged couples but also to those who are already married - very important to aid in maintaining a healthy relationship. I will use the Speaker Listener technique and discovering love maps immediately"

Participant in Live Workshop
Toronto, Canada

"The marriage course was an invaluable workshop for my relationship. After several years of marriage. I still turn to the principles I learned in the PREP course. From communication tools to techniques on conflict resolution, this course provided practical information that can easily be applied to any relationship. As an instructor Marzia Hassan presented the information in a unique way that made it applicable and fun all at the same time She gave relatable examples and a unique perspective. This course Is an asset to any relationship!"

Aliya D

"Marzia presents material that is relevant and extremely useful for self development and personal growth. Her gentle spirit, sense or humour, and use of relevant examples and teachable moments make her workshops very engaging Backed by research and based on values. Marzia's workshops am definitely credible and worthwhile to attend"

Fatima D

"Marzia Hassan is a speaker and a writer who can engage her audience to a point where they end up searching for all what she has had to it in the form of a lecture, a blog post or a podcast . Her lectures engage you in such a way that you can see yourself making inroads to new thinking, her interactive approach makes you a part of the process, so much so that at the end you look around and the sky is more blue than the one you saw a while ago and you smile with the wisdom that has been shared with you by this humble soul. There has never been a dull moment when you listen to her as the language is simple enough to be understood by all, which is the mark of a good speaker who can appeal to everyone. The best thing about Marzia is that she will go a full circle of whatever she is telling you about… it might be psychology but it will be backed by religion and walled by Science… which is rare with the speakers of today. Not many spiritual speakers do that… they will either support their lectures by mystical knowledge, psychology or religion. Mariza goes a step forward and up to the finish line where her listener will not only see Quranic evidence, but also Hadith and psychology and science, all in one. I wish her all the best in her journey as she makes my world and yours a more loving and wiser one !"

Tanya B

"The lecture content was very insightful, well organized, and the weekly review before each class was extremely helpful. Marzia is very composed and knows her content really well. She has the ability to put her audience at ease and is very open to questions and answering them during and after the lecture as well. It was very helpful to have the course objectives read out at the beginning, covered during the course and reviewed towards the end. It was overall, a very helpful course that taught me a lot! You are amazing and we love your work. Thank you so much for bringing out the positive and it is a great blessing to have you as a mentor in our community. "

Participant in Cooling the Flames Anger Management Course
Toronto Ontario

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