Notice the gift of the rain puddle


Let us continue our discussion on expanding our awareness in life to notice blessings rather than just focusing on problems and issues.

Here is a lovely poem, particularly apt in the current fall weather we are having in North America:

Gifts of the Rain Puddle
Beth Kurland

I woke up from a funk today of too many bills
too many emails to return, not enough time –
From that irritability that creeps in insidiously like a dark shadow ready to swallow us all
if we let it in.

I woke up to discover
that I inherited a small fortune!

if truth be told,
would you believe that I forgot that it was here all along?

My neighbor reminded me this morning –
the little guy in the overalls and dirt filled fingernails.
I saw him laughing hysterically
as he jumped in a giant puddle,
a leftover gift from the torrential rains;
as he soaked himself,
and went back for more,
then began running and shrieking
through the wet grass
with his unsteady gait
until he fell down in a heap,
all smiles.

I watched
as he became fascinated
by the blades of grass,
and even more animated
when he discovered the stones nearby that he could grasp in his hands.

How funny
that you, and I, and my neighbor
can all look at the same sights, the ordinary moments of our lives, and see such different things.

It is a choice, what we focus on after all,
is it not?

Perhaps waking up
is as simple as not losing sight of the gifts of the rain puddle.

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