
Acknowledge your wins(DW# 836)

focus meditate selfgrowth Nov 09, 2020
"What good have I done today?"

This is the question that Ben Franklin asked himself every night before bed.

For some of us this will be challenging. We do not like to think about how we have succeeded because we fear this will make us arrogant.

We prefer to focus on our challenges instead, ways that we need to improve, to do better.

Here’s the thing though:

What psychologists have discovered is that we can only perform as high as our self-image allows. If we continuously bring ourselves down by focusing on how we have fallen short, how high is our self-image likely to be?

So consider this:

We may want to practice noticing and acknowledge times when we did, in fact, live up to our best self.  Each time we succeed at something, we need to affirm that by making micro imprints in our consciousness that we can do this – that we are up to the task.

There is a really simple way to do this: Simply say to yourself:  "That’s like me!!!"

"That’s like...

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