
Do you feel guilty about negative feelings?(DW#732 )

Over the last few days I have been hearing some version of the following over and over again:
"I shouldn’t complain. I have it so much better than so many other people". "I am missing this and that. But really I should not feel bad about it. So much bigger stuff going on in the world".
This is true. Alhamdullilah. We certainly have it better than many many people in the world who are suffering so much. And it is very good to remind ourselves of that from time to time especially when we go down a negative thought spiral.
But here’s the thing: it is also okay to feel sad about something small that meant something to you. Disappointment over something that you were looking forward to that got cancelled. That you cannot invite anyone over for a barbeque even though the weather is getting better. That your favourite restaurant has closed its doors for ever. That you cannot run out and get something from the store.
That single mom who is also a...
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Ground yourself in your intention(DW#729)

Yesterday, we talked about how we can set the tone of the day by setting an intention before we even get out of bed.


Today, let us deepen this practice further. The following is a grounding practice that can greatly help us start the day right and have an anchor to come back to in moments of anxiety or distress. When your mind is racing and going down the anxiety tunnel, a grounding practice such as this can help bring you back to the here-and-now. It is a great way set a calm anchor that you can come back to again and again.


All these steps combined take only moments to practice but can have a profound impact on our wellbeing.


Once you get out of bed, feel your feet firmly planted on the floor.
Stand up tall.
Take a few deep breaths (in through the nose, down and into your sides and into your back).
As you exhale, expand your awareness into your surroundings, taking a moment to notice sounds and smells.
Now remind yourself of your intention and feel...
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