
Higher highs and lows(DW #820)

If we have bad days and go off track, how do we know that we are still on the path of self-growth and not in fact, truly regressing?
Because although we will have highs and lows, our highs will be higher AND our lows will be higher too.
Our baby steps and compounded progress on the journey will mean that

1)   Our good days are better than the previous good days

2)   Our bad days are not quite so bad as our previous bad days and

3)   Overall, we have more good days than bad days.

If we take time to pause and notice, we may even find that our bad days are better than what our good days used to be.

And that, my friends, is progress!
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The power of baby steps(DW#1)

According to research on happiness by Russ Harris (The Happiness Trap) it is unrealistic to expect that we can get rid of all negative feelings.

In fact, emotional wellbeing entails experiencing and embracing a full range of human emotions, sadness, grief, happiness and joy.

We cannot selectively turn off certain emotions. When we try to suppress negative emotions, we end up putting a blanket on all emotions. We cannot really feel joy if we do not allow ourselves to experience sadness.

A more useful approach to emotions is to recognize and label the emotion we are feeling and to acknowledge it, knowing that all emotions are transitory.

Happiness and sadness come and go. Let us practice noticing and labeling the emotion we are experiencing.

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