The antidote to stress and overwhelm (DW #942)

Most of us experience a fair bit of stress and overwhelm in our 21st century lives. There just seems to be so much to do and not enough time to do it.

I love Steve Chandler’s wisdom on dealing with stress and overwhelm by focusing all of our attention on the one task in front of us.

Here is how he puts it in his great book Time Warrior: "In a simple life in which you only do what’s in front of you, there can be no overwhelm, ever. That life is yours to create. And it never arrives, it must be created."

So next time we are feeling overwhelmed, it might be useful to remind ourselves that it may be because we are spending too much attention on thinking about the future and all the things you think you need to get done, instead of actually doing some of them.  

Byron Katie in Loving What Is puts it this way: "We never receive more than we can handle, and there is always just one thing to do."

Just one thing. Pick one thing to do and do it with everything you’ve got.

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