What are your roles in life?

When we are doing the end of year reflections and setting goals for the new year, it is easy to focus on one or two areas of life which we may be preoccupied with at the moment while ignoring others.

Living our best self requires us to pay attention to all aspects of our lives, even areas which may not immediately come to mind.

The first step in thinking this way is to define the 'domains' of our life. Another way look at it is to consider our various roles in life at present, at home, at work, in our communities and in the world at large.

For example, here are some 'domains' which may be applicable to you:

The health domain
The spiritual domain
The work domain
The business domain
The marriage domain
The parenting domain
The volunteering domain
The community service domain
The domain of family relationships/family of origin, extended family
The domain of friendships
The home organization domain
The domain of self growth and actualization

Do you get the picture?

So start making a list of the domains in your life. It will make it much easier to do the end of year reflection if you take each area of your life rather than thinking about it all at the same time.

Once you have listed the domains, you can start asking the questions about the successes and challenges in each area of your life. If you are like most people, you will be surprised at how you have focused on one area of your life while ignoring other ones.

The good news is that with this awareness, next year can be a lot more balanced and holistic.

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