What would you do? (DW #868)

Continuing our conversation on fear, courage and action, here is a question for you:
What things would you would do in your life if you had absolutely no fear, hesitation or self-doubt?
  • Start a business?
  • Teach?
  • Quit your job?
  • Make that phone call?
  • Have that hard conversation?
  • Confess your feelings?
  • Apply for that position?
  • Make that request?
Write down a few of them.
Now please
pick one of them to do. And go do it.
Yes, I get it. The thing you’ve picked to do is probably making you afraid right now just thinking about it. That’s okay. Let those thoughts be as they as they are. You don’t have to believe all your thoughts (or any for that matter but that’s for another day ;)  or let them stop you from taking action.
"You will find", as Steve Chandler puts it, "you’re feeling your fear while you are in action conquering it. And as you continue in action, the fear dissolves, like a fist full of salt in the river. What remains for you is pure joy. It’s the joy of being someone you were not. That’s reinvention".
You reinvent by doing things ‘you’ wouldn’t do, and in so doing you realize there is no fixed and permanent ‘you’ at all."
So, three simple steps here:
  • Write down something you would do if you were not scared
  •  Acknowledge and feel the fear
  •  Take action anyway.
 Good luck :)

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