Asking for what you need(DW#744)

Yesterday we talked about how to support your family members if they are feeling down or having a bad day.
What about you, though? Are you brave enough to ask for support from them? Many of us may be used to being there for others and find it challenging to ask for support in return.
If so, consider this: when we ask others to support us, we are actually giving them a gift:
The gift of letting them into our internal world
The gift of feeling emotionally connected to another
The gift of being there for someone else (and we know that feels good, right?)
The gift of modelling what intimacy looks like
The gift of being able to language emotions (emotional literacy)
The gift of recognizing that it is okay to have emotions and we do not need to act on them. That they will come and go
The gift of recognizing that we have the ability and the power to be there for a loved one and to make them feel better or feel supported.
So are you brave enough to share your emotional needs? Are you willing to give these gifts to your loved ones?

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