Becoming a beloved of Allah (DW#401)

We have been exploring verses from the Holy Quran during the blessed month of Ramadan.

For the next few days, let us discuss verses which talk about the qualities that Allah loves to see expressed in His Creation.

The quality which is mentioned several times is the quality of being muhsineenor "the doers of good".

For example, in 2:195; 3:134 & 148; 5:13 & 93 the Quran tells usIndeed, Allah loves the muhsineen (doers of good).
Some commentators state that to earn His love in this way is the highest spiritual degree and mystical station.

Muhsin comes from the root haa-seen-noon.The Islamic concept of ihsaan, or excellence, one of key concepts of Islamic spirituality, comes from the same root. A muhsin (plural muhsineen) is one who does good. Mushin has many additional meanings such as to be good, to do good and to pursue excellence, to act with beauty, to be kind.

How can we become part of the muhsineen who are loved by Him? Here are a couple of thoughts: 
  1. We cannot improve our relationship with Him until we work on our own relationship with His creation. In order to become His Beloved we need to become "doers of good" - to others.
  2. We can pursue Ehsan

a.    in our dealings with Him (by worshipping Him in the best possible manner,

b.    in dealing with ourselves (by living up to the highest version of ourselves and by staying away from that which harms us physically and spiritually) and

c.     in dealing with others (by practicing kindness in all our relationships)

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