Establish your baseline (DW#686)

If you are still sceptical about how something as simple as breathing properly can impact your overall wellbeing, there is a simple way to measure and monitor your wellbeing before starting a breathing regimen and then again, a couple of weeks after.

Vranich Belisain Breathe: 14 Days to Oxygenating, Recharging and Fuelling Your Body and Brain suggests scaling the following on a scale from one to ten.

1. Stress level. On a scale of 1 to 10, where is your stress level right now? Note if it is normally this high or is it higher at present for some reason? The stressors do not really matter that much – just note a number on your subjective stress scale

2. Pain. If you are experiencing pain of any type, put a number to it. 1 being no pain, 5 being tolerable and 10 being intense or acute.

3. Energy level. Although your energy level obviously fluctuates throughout the day, put a number to the average energy level these days. 1 being no energy and 10 being bouncing off the walls energy

4. Sleep. 10 being optimal sleep and 1 being insufficient or disturbed sleep, where are you at present?

5. Mood. Rate your mood from sad (1) to happy (10). Where are you at?

6. Mental clarity. How clear and focused is your mind? 1 being brain fog and 10 being clear, alert, focused.

According to Belisa, your stress level, pain, energy and sleep among other things are all impacted by how well or poorly you breathe. Belissa suggests that you rate these things every day for 14 days and notice the improvements for yourself once you start practicing breathing properly.

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