How much light is too much? (DW#704)

Yesterday we talked about how bright light from devices can delay the release of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.

It is not only technology that is to blame. Artificial light of all types can have this impact.

(Although all wavelengths of light have this effect, blue light is particularly problematic. Blue light is so good at helping us feel awake, it's used in places like factories to help night workers stay alert)

Light is usually measured by the lux (symbol: lx) measuring luminous flux per unit area. It is equal to one lumen per square metre. It is a measure of the intensity, as perceived by the human eye, of light that hits or passes through a surface.

Matthews says: "Even a hint of dim light–8 to 10 lux–has been shown to delay the release of nighttime melatonin in humans. The feeblest of bedside lamps pumps out twice as much: anywhere from 20 to 80 lux. A normally lit living room, where most people reside in the hours before bed, will come in at around 200 lux. Despite being just 1 to 2 percent of the strength of daylight this ambient level of the incandescent home lighting can have 50 percent of the melatonin-suppressing influence within the brain."

Wow! No wonder so many of us struggle with sleep issues.

If you are struggling with sleep, you may want to start by

1) Looking around your bedroom and seeing how many sources of blue light you can see. Consider removing them from your bedroom or at least covering them at night.
2) Instead of reading on your iPad, consider switching to print books. (According to some studies, reading on an iPad at night suppressed melatonin released by over 50%)
3) You may want to consider leaving your normal lights off at night and going exclusively with orangey-colored night lights
4) Get blue-light-blocking glasses if are really struggling with sleep and see if it makes a difference.

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