Implementation intentions for parenting (DW#586)

We have been exploring examples for implementation intentions for different areas of our lives in order to give ourselves the best chance of reaching our goals in these areas. 

Here are some examples of implementation intentions for common obstacles in parenting. 

·     If my child drops something, I will help them clean it up without drama
·     If my child wants to tell me something, I will stop what I am doing and listen
·     If my child makes a mistake, I will take the time to give them feedback 
·     If my child wants to learn a new skill, I will train them
·     If my child asks a difficult question that makes me feel uncomfortable, I will be brave and engage in the conversation
·     If my children are fighting I will not join the chaos
·     If my children have made a mess, I will calmly tell them to tidy up
·     If I come home from work I will connect with family members in a positive way 
·     If we are eating dinner as a family, I will engage in bonding conversation rather than criticizing 
·     If my child is acting out, I will plan for some one on one time to find out what is going on

Which ones are the most helpful for you?

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