Keep turning back to Him (DW#404)

Sura Baqarah, verse 222: Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly.

The Creator knows the nature of Creation – He is aware that despite our best intentions, we will constantly fall short of the good that has been commanded. And we will keep doing things that are not in our long term best interests. 

This is an invitation to keep returning to Him in repentance when and as soon as we recognize that we have fallen short or gone "off-track". To return to Him means to come back on the path that He has commanded, the path of those whom He is pleased with. The path that is aligned with our ultimate purpose. 

Just as an airplane must keep correcting its course and adjusting its flight path to arrive safely at its destination, we need to: 

  1. Have an idea of the path that will lead us to success
  2. Have an intention to stay on the course
  3. And when we stray off that course, recognize it and turn back as soon as possible. 

Not only is this plan of action a great blueprint for success in this world, it will endear us to Him and make us amongst those who are loved by Him, leading to eternal success inshallah.

Here is a longer blog post about Seeking Forgiveness from God and other people

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