Minimization (DW#493)

positive thinking Nov 13, 2018
The unhelpful thinking pattern of minimization is the flip side of catastrophizing. It is also called "Disqualifying the Positive" because it minimizes positive traits about ourselves or situations – while magnifying mistakes (this is why it is also called the "Binocular Trick"). 

As we can imagine, this is a particularly dangerous distortion since it leads to continued negative and pessimistic thinking even in the presence of lots of contrary evidence.

Here is an example:

You receive a positive review at work. You minimize it as an anomaly. You play down your positives as exceptions. You talk-down all your positive attributes and accomplishments in order to lower people’s expectations. No matter how much people tell you that you are worthy, you focus on your mistakes rather than on your accomplishments. Although it may be mistaken for humility, this distortion is not about being humble but about not seeing the full picture of one’s strengths and challenges

In order to successfully work through this cognitive distortion, you will need to challenge yourself and be intentional in finding evidence of your capability rather than shortcomings.


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