Present a balanced perspective. (DW#612) [2:219]

When we are in the midst of a conflict or a dispute, we tend to focus only on our side of the arguments, ignoring or rejecting what merit or truth may be found on the other side.

The Quran teaches us another way: 

they ask you about wine and gambling. Say, ‘There is a great sin in both of them, and some profits for the people, but their sinfulness outweighs their profit’ [Quran 2:219].

Although the Quran is unequivocal in its discouragement of using intoxicants and gambling, it acknowledges that there is some merit and attraction in them. 

This is such a beautiful example of how we can acknowledge and validate another point of view while we present our arguments and reasoning. When we are able to acknowledge and validate another’s point of view, we do these four things:
1)   Convey that we are balanced and open minded
2)   Convey empathy and understanding for their point of view
3)   Convey that we are brave and fair enough to look at all sides of an issue, even those that go against our point of view
4)   Look for common ground

Such a posture when we are in conflict does a lot to dissolve resistance and greatly enhances the other’s ability to listen to our point of view and to consider it.

This verse is particularly useful for parents who are attempting to discourage their children from using substances or engaging in risky behaviour. If we acknowledge the positive aspects of substances and convey that we understand the attraction, they are so much more likely to pay attention to what we have to say.

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