Speak nobly to your parents (DW#604)

"and speak to them a generous word [Quran 17:23]"

This segment is from a verse in Sura Isra that we have already visited this month. Here Allah is advising us that an important part of honouring your parents is how you speak to them.

Qawlan Kariman means noble words, gentle and soft words showing honour and esteem.

We have a major obligation of excellence of conduct towards our parents. After God, they are the most important object of our love, attention and affection.

And because children mean so much to parents, the hearts of parents tend to be very sensitive towards their children. A careless word from a child which the child may not think twice about, has the power to deeply wound those that gave birth to him and raised her.

Such words from children are doubly painful because

a) They come from one whom you love most in the world and have sacrificed for and because
b) Parents tend to blame themselves for the conduct of their children. It is easier for a parent to believe that their child is not displaying good conduct because of a shortcoming in their parenting rather than believe that their offspring could be anything other than perfect.

This is why we need to pray extra attention to our communication towards our parents.

Let us use our words to provide comfort to them, appreciate them and show love and gratitude. Let them see that they have done a good job with us.

A noble, generous word from a child has the power to bring gladness and joy to a parent. It is such a simple way for us to earn happiness in this world and salvation in the next.

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