The law of environment (DW#392)

Maxwell reminds us that growth thrives in conducive surroundings. 

In nature, spring is the time for growth when conditions are right with warmer temperatures, longer days and more sunlight. On the other hand, when environmental conditions are not ideal, growth is stunted or delayed. 

Similarly, for human beings to reach their full potential, we can flourish in the right environment. You and I experience personal growth when we surround ourselves with people and opportunities conducive to our development.

So what are some indications of an environment conducive to growth? 

A place where we are continually challenged: A good growth environment puts pressure on us to improve. If our daily work is too easy or comfortable, then we shortchange ourselves and stunt our development. It’s okay and even healthy for us to be in over our heads from time to time. It forces us to swim against the current so to speak and we grow stronger as a result. 

A place where the atmosphere is affirming: while its healthy to be challenged, we are able to rise to the challenge with encouragement rather than criticism. In fact, it is said that encouragement is like oxygen to the soul, and everyone needs it. 

A place where it is acceptable to try even if do not succeed: if we are going to risk going outside our comfort zone, we are bound to fail at times. Instead of looking at failure as a dead-end, we could begin to see it as feedback about what did not work. And then give ourselves permission to try something else. 

A place where others are growingJust as a group of long-distance runners tend to push one another to maintain a fast pace, a group of people who prioritize personal growth spur one another on to keep getting better and to keep growing. 

How conducive is the environment around you? Do you recognize that unlike plants, human beings can shape their own environment? Can you think of one or two ways in which you can shape the environment around yourself to be more conducive to growth? 

How about using these suggestions to create a growth environment at home for our children and families? 

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