What is your love language? (DW#325)

In a close relationship, have you ever felt that there is so much love between you but that the two of you just don’t "get" each other? That you are trying hard to express your love and the other just doesn’t get it? (and very often the other person feels exactly the same way . . .)

This is a common experience in intimate relationships and according to Dr. Gary Chapman, it is because the both of you are speaking different love languages.

He writes that it is possible for couples to love each other, but to feel unloved because they give and receive love differently, i.e. they don’t share the same primary emotional love language. After 30 years of marriage counselling, Chapman concluded that there are five (and only five) love languages, though there are many "dialects" within these 5 languages.

(In case you are skeptical, his book The Five Love Languages has been on the New York Times Best Seller list since August 2009)

So what are the love languages? They are words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch.

We will explore them more next week inshallah, but in the meantime, begin to notice the way your family members express their love to you – do they tell you, do things for you, buy you gifts, spend time with you or give great hugs?

What do you (or they) complain most about in your relationship?

Getting curious about the answers to these questions will reveal their’s (and yours) love language.

This concept really does have the power to transform your relationships for the better so please start speaking their language!

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