Are you going with the flow?(DW#27)

It is so easy to 'go with the flow'. It is easy to let life happen to us, to experience life as it is happening around us, reacting to each day as it unfolds.

It is so easy, in fact, that we often do not realize that we are doing it. Things are happening around us, asking us to react to the urgent. When we are not reacting to the urgent, whether it is at work or with family, we are tempted to 'numb out', 'veg out' or 'chillax' with the steady stream of mindless entertainment which is SO readily and freely available.

The cost of living like this, of 'going with the flow' can be huge. If we do not stop to ask ourselves if this the life we want, if we are satisfied with the way we are spending our days on this planet, there is a good chance that we will end up dissatisfied, and feeling empty and meaningless.

As Rabbi Harold Kushner puts it, "Our souls are not hungry for fame, comfort, wealth, or power. Those rewards create almost as many problems as they solve. Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to live so that our lives matter, so that the world will be at least a little bit different for our having passed through it."

To interrupt this cycle of mindless, reactive living and live life from a sense of choice and purpose does not take much more energy or time. It begins with an awareness that all of us have some power to take our lives in the direction that we want to.

Over the next few days, as we explore this, consider these questions:

1) Where in your life are you already living intentionally?
2) Is there an area of your life where you are sliding rather than deciding? Are you living on autopilot without considering if your actions and your days are bringing you satisfaction or happiness?

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