Be a garment to your spouse

They are your garments. And you are their garments. Sura Baqara (2:187)

Reflection: In this verse, the Quran uses the metaphor of garments whilst talking about the relationship between the spouses.

Just as garments cover one's body, protect one from the elements, are comfortable and beautify one, the marital relationship is meant to be one of mutual support, comfort and protection.

Clothes are the closest thing to one's body. Nothing comes between a person and his or her clothes. So the analogy of spouses being 'like clothes to one another' implies such a closeness – there is nothing, literally and metaphorically, that should come between spouses.

Why: The person who knows us most intimately, with all our weaknesses and vulnerability is most often our spouse. A relationship of vulnerability and intimacy is only possible when there is emotional safety, when we know that our spouse has our back, will cover our faults and support us and not use what they know about us to hurt us.

How: What does it mean for you to be a garment to your spouse?

Are you a source of comfort for them like a well-worn pair of pyjamas?

Do you cover their faults, make up for their shortcomings by stepping up where they are weak?

Do you beautify each other by living with synergy, combining your talents and being a team so that you are stronger together than on your own?

Have you created a safe haven within your home by protecting each other and standing up for one another?

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