Be on the winning team

In Sura Saff (61:14), it says: O you who believe, be the helpers of Allah

The fact is that Allah's Will will be done and His plan will come to fruition. Allah does not require our help. An invitation to be part of His plan and to be a helper is a privilege that He grants to those who wish to be part of the synchronistic forces of the universe that are fulfilling His plan.

To be a helper of Allah means to be worthy of working on behalf of Allah in this world.

This verse is an invitation for all believers to join this group – to become part of a winning team and to further His cause. The cause of Allah is the cause of social justice on this earth: to resist ignorance and injustice and to be a force for good.

Thankfully there are so many ways to do this and we can participate according to the talent and the time that is granted to us.

We can help His cause within our own circle of influence with friends, family and social contacts. We can use our tongue, our pens, our computers, our time and our talents. We can be ambassadors of peace and of the message of Islam. We can spread His word in word and through action. We can live our best selves every day and demonstrate Islam through our character and our conduct towards others.

Once we start, we become aligned with the winning team, coached by Him. Allah has promised that if you help Him, He will help you (47:7).

So, are we on the winning team? How are we using our talents to work for the success of this team?

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