Going off track(DW #818)

communication trimtab Oct 14, 2020
Yesterday we talked about how great ships can be steered by a tiny Trimtab on the back of the ship on the radar.
Today, let us explore another lesson from another means of transportation.
Airplanes. When we are flying high above the clouds, we can rest easy knowing that the pilot has a flight plan and a destination.
What we may not know, however, is that planes are off course about 90% of the time on the journey!
Yes. 90% of the time for the duration of the flight, air traffic and weather cause the flight to go off the flight plan.
Here is how Stephen Covey explains it in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families:
Before the plane takes off, the pilots have a flight plan. They know exactly where they’re going and start off in accordance with their plan. But during the course of the flight, wind, rain, turbulences, air traffic, human error, and other factors act upon that plane. They move it slightly in different directions so that most of the time that plane is not even on the prescribed flight path! Throughout the entire trip there are slight deviations from the flight plan. Weather systems or unusually heavy air traffic may even cause major deviations. But barring anything too major, the plane will arrive at its destination.


How then, does it safely arrive at its destination the vast majority of time?
During the flight, the pilots receive constant feedback. They receive information from instruments which read the environment, from control towers, from other airplanes - even sometimes from the stars. And based on that feedback, they make adjustments so that time and time again they keep returning to the flight plan.


The journey of life and self-growth is very much like the flight of the airplane in this case.


Having a vision for our lives does not mean that we will not have set backs and steer off course.

It does mean that each time we do, we can "course correct" and get back on track.

The sooner the better.

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