Money and happiness

Let's face it. Our generation as a whole has more money and disposable income than any other generation in history. This material progress has not resulted in increased emotional or psychological wellbeing.

Quite the opposite.

We are so rich, in fact, that we have "rich people problems" and our youngsters (not to mention their parents) have managed to catch a brand new virus.

This 'virus' is called the "Affluenza Virus" and it is defined as "a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more."

Symptoms of the "Affluenza Virus" include:

- Shopping Fever . . .shopping as entertainment and fulfillment. (Newsflash: Just as "dieting makes you fat" so "retail therapy makes you sad.")

- Chronic Stress . . .

- Hypercommercialism . . . confusing personal identity with the brands you wear

- Believing that "Anti-social behavior in pursuit of a product is a good thing."

- A Rash of Bankruptcies . . . the top 10% of earners also living beyond their means and in debt

- Fractured Families . . . people pursuing income and success at the cost of family time. Money being the number one reason for conflict in marital relationships . . .

- Resource Exhaustion . . . a planet that is dying due to the unsustainable living standards of those overcome by affluenza

Today let us honestly look at how our lives and families have been impacted by Affluenza.

And for the rest of this week, inshallah, we will look at the relationship between money and happiness.

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