Surround yourself with people who believe in you(DW# 792)

Being the victim of emotional abuse such as gaslighting takes a toll on your sense of self.


The feeling of shame, isolation and sadness can be overwhelming and it can be tempting to hide out and to retreat from others.


It is of course helpful to give yourself the time and space to feel your emotions and to do healing work on your own. You can help yourself regain perspective by reminding yourself of times in your life when you have felt capable, grounded, sane, and generally good about yourself.


It is also a good idea to set a limit on your isolation and retreat, however, and to reach out to others who may ease the journey of healing.  


Friends and other relationships who ease the journey of healing are lifelines which we need to cultivate. When we are at the lowest point, when we lack confidence and strength, it is very important to surround ourselves with friends who believe in us, encourage us and remind us of our strengths when we find it challenging to do so for ourselves.


So please encourage yourself to reach out to your lifelines. Reach out to friends who remind you that you are worthy. That you are sane and sensible. That what happened was not okay but that YOU will be okay.

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