The Miracle of the Chinese Bamboo Tree(DW#6)

In these days of instant feedback and results, it is challenging to remember that some things take time.

Such as farming, gardening, building relationships and parenting.

It can be disheartening when we feel we are working hard but not seeing immediate results.

On days that we feel that are efforts are not bearing fruit, it may be helpful to remind ourselves about the Miracle of the Chinese Bamboo Tree, a lovely parable about the power of faith, patience and perseverance.

The Chinese Bamboo Tree tests the patience of those who plant it. After planting it and nurturing it with water, soil and sunshine, the farmer sees no visible signs of growth at all.

Not for the whole of the first year.

Or the second . . . or third . . . or fourth.

By this time, the farmer begins to feel as if he is doing something wrong or that is there is something faulty with the seed itself. There is self doubt and loss of faith beginning to creep up.

Faced with barren land and no sign of reward for his efforts, the farmer is so close to abandoning mission and giving up. His vision for the possibility of a bountiful harvest is beginning to fade but something keeps him going.

He keeps watering and nurturing despite all his doubts.

But wait.

In the fifth year, he finally sees a green sprout pushing through the earth. Maybe all is not lost.

The growth after the first green shoot is phenomenal. In the next six weeks, the sprout grows to over 80 feet tall!!!

The tree obviously did not grow overnight. It turns out that the Chinese Bamboo was laying a strong root system underground before it even sprouted out of the earth. Roots and a foundation that would sustain it in harsh weather and periods of drought.

So, if we are working towards something and not seeing immediate results, it would serve us well to remember the Chinese Bamboo and have faith that our fifth year will come.

Let us focus on doing the work and laying the foundation to have a bountiful fifth year.

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