The power of meaning (DW#982)

In her book "The Power of Meaning," Emily Esfahani Smith rounds up the latest research -- and the stories of fascinating people she interviewed -- to argue that the search for meaning is far more fulfilling than the pursuit of personal happiness. It is not surprising that this book is so aligned with what we have been discussing as Smith studied positive psychology and is greatly inspired by the work of Martin Seligman.

Seligman says that meaning comes from belonging to and serving something beyond yourself and from developing the best within you. Smith builds upon this foundation and explains that while modern culture appears to be obsessed with pleasure and happiness, it is in seeking meaning and purpose that people discover more fulfillment and deep wellbeing. People who have meaning in life, her research has discovered, are more resilient, they do better in school and at work, and they even live longer.

The power of having meaning and purpose in your life, Smith explains, is that it helps you navigate the ups and downs of life.

In other words, having meaning in your life helps keep us grounded when things are going really well. When we are connected to something greater, it helps keeps things in perspective and not lose our footing when faced with great success or achievement.

And of course, it greatly helps us navigate the down times in our lives. It gives us something to hold onto and make sense of our challenges and suffering.

Over the next few days, let us explore how we can each live more meaningfully.

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