What needs to be cleaned up in relationships? (DW #858)

As we continue with end of year reflections, let us remind ourselves that incompleteness in relationships takes up a lot of mental and emotional bandwidth in our lives and saps our creative energy. 
The end of the year is a great chance to clean these up and move forward.
So let us tackle some:
  • What are some commitments that you did not end up keeping to others
  • Who do you need to apologize to? (hard one, this!) 
  • Who do you need to forgive in order to move on to the next year with renewed energy and love? 
  • Who do you need to thank for their role in your life this year?
  • What important things need to be said? (What are you waiting for?)
  • Who needs to know that you love them despite everything?
  • Who have you missed being more connected to this year? Do they know this?
  • What ego trait has stopped you from being more connected to your loved ones? (How is that working out for you? Are you ready to let this go yet?)
 Of course, these reflections are NOT easy. But engaging in them and taking action on them is so worth the effort.

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