What you must be (DW#957)

Abraham Maslow is often credited as being the first [in modern times] to study what human beings are capable of. He explained that human beings have some basic biological and psychological needs, and as these needs are met, humans can and will aspire to "actualize" themselves. In other words, to be all that they can be, to actualize their full potential.

What you can be, you must be.

Failure to do this will result in dissatisfaction and distress. According to Maslow, the impetus to actualize is a human need, just as real as the need for food, water and love.
In other words, this desire to actualize is an impulse within us to become what we are destined to be and to the extent that we ignore that, we are going to suffer.
It  is like Soul oxygen.

It fuels us and our actions and gives us meaning and purpose in our lives and contributes to our wellbeing in the deepest sense.

Now, instinctively we have experienced this, right? There is a best version of ourselves, the self that responds rather than reacts, the self that is kind, compassionate and generous. When we listen to, and act in accordance with this best version of ourselves, it gives us immense satisfaction.
This best version of ourself does not always surface though!!
And each moment of our lives is an invitation to close the gap.
Close the gap. Between our current selves and the best version of ourselves.
PS: If you would like to delve deeper into the subject and practice living this way, I am offering some workshops and programs to master our mental and emotional wellbeing. The first one is coming up later this week. Sign up with the code ANTEB10 to save $10 off by September 16, 2021.

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