Do you really want to ruin your relationship?

Over the past few weeks we have been sharing ways you can unknowingly ruin your relationship. Some of the posts were difficult to read and I really appreciate you hanging in there and continuing despite the discomfort you may have felt. The fact that you are still reading is a sign of your commitment not to ruin your relationship.

As you read the various posts, what did you notice?

I really hope that you sometimes caught yourself in the act of doing things that would ruin your relationship. (And we all do some of these things some of the time, by the way) I hope that you became more aware of your attitudes and behaviours that could damage your marriage if left unchecked. I pray that you paused for a moment at times, and asked yourself: Do I really want to ruin a perfectly good relationship?

If, on the other hand, while reading the emails you only reconfirmed how your spouse is ruining the relationship – you get absolutely no points for that! You actually did not need these reminders. We are already pretty good at seeing how our spouse is doing things to hurt us. We are so busy being hurt, in fact, that we often cannot see how we may be the ones doing the hurting.

But if you found yourself recognizing some things that you do over these last few weeks, congratulations. You have taken the first and important step of self awareness and acknowledgement. The good news is that while we are alive, we can still make amends and change the ways in which we are ruining a perfectly good relationship. We can begin to make corrections today and take baby steps to rebuilding a marriage that will bring us happiness and provide a solid foundation for our children.

As a reminder, here are some of the ways we discovered of ruining a perfectly good relationship:

DW# 186 How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Relationship – Introduction

DW# 187 Be Critical

DW# 188 Be defensive

DW# 189 Refuse to discuss issues

DW# 190 Look down on your spouse

DW# 191 Be a psycho-pest

DW# 192 Always be right

DW# 193 Keep score

DW# 194 Pick a fight

DW# 195 Bad mouth marriage

DW# 196 Threaten Divorce

DW# 197 Save your best self for the outside world

DW# 198 Be Passive aggressive

DW# 199 Phub your partner

DW# 200 Make the bed a battle ground

DW# 201 Be abusive

DW# 202 Adopt an addiction

DW# 203 Refuse professional help

DW# 204 Keep secrets and tell lies

DW# 205 And the #1 way to ruin your relationship – Have an affair

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